Creative Thinking in the Classroom
What's one way to integrate technology in the art room? Create a piece of art that involves circuit stickers! In this blog post, you can read in depth my thought processes in developing an engaging lesson that involves learning and understanding circuitry while creating a composition using mixed media.
Materials used in this lesson included circuit stickers and items found at a thrift store including an embroidery hoop and felt. This lesson can be altered to focus on core academic areas, graphic design and collaborative work.
Skyline Project | Constellation Project
Maker Education
in the Art Room
It would seem at first glance that Maker Education and art have no connection. That isn't the case! Both areas of study involve creative thinking, problem solving, questioning and experimentation. In the following infographic and blog post, I delve into the specifics of how both topics are intertwined together in the 21st century art room space.
Why Maker Education?
Cooking with

Being an innovative educator doesn't mean that you have the latest gadgets and gizmos that you use in the classroom (that might be part of it), but rather it means the integration of technology is thoughtful and assists your students in understanding topics from a different perspective. Throughout my degree I have realized that integrating technology must be done in a thoughtful way. Carelessness will lead to students becoming frustrated and shutting down or worse yet misusing the technology. Below is a glimpse at key projects that have emphasized creative/critical thinking in the classroom, my understanding of how and when to utilize technology, and where to obtain information for my students.

Circuit Sticker
Lesson Plans
A staple in the Masters of Educational Technology degree at Michigan State University, Cooking with TPACK (Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge) demonstrates my daily thought process in the art room. There are times where materials run out, projects are a flop or tools break. As an art teacher you constantly have to think on your toes all while making it look like it was part of the plan. In this video, my daughter helps me make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich using a bowl and a spatula.
Blog| Cooking with TPACK Video
When to use Technology in the Classroom
When to use Technology in the Classroom
Integrating Seesaw
in the Art Curriculum
Art Critiques are difficult. What if we combined social media with art critiques? That's where Seesaw comes into play. This application allows students to post to a school-wide social network and leave comments, or critiques, on peer artwork. Seesaw can also be utilized for all stages of the art process. This application lets the teacher step back and allow students to communicate with one another.
Dream IT
An Art Classroom
As an art teacher that is "art on a cart" designing a classroom space is a dream. It is something that I imagine and think about daily. In the following blog post I discuss my reasoning for seating choices and organization. I also discuss the transition from a traditional classroom space to a TAB or Teaching for Artistic Behavior approach to an art curriculum.
Classroom Design

How & Where to Get Information
Personal Learning Networks (PLN) affect how we understand and view the world. As I sit and think about how I use my PLN, I realize that I do not have one but several PLNs that I utilize at different times during the day. Below is an infographic that explores these PLNs and their purpose in my life.
Personal Learning Network Infographic
How Maker Education
Shapes Us
Whether we think so or not, Maker Education has changed how we view education and the classroom. In the following infographic and blog post, I examine how this movement has made a lasting impression on all subject matters for our students' benefit!
How Maker Education Shapes Us

Wicked Problem
in Education
We have all encountered students who have no motivation to learn. As frustrating as this scenario is, we need to develop an action plan to counter this thinking. The blog post below and website explores this topic and offers solutions to get students, parents/guardians and administration excited about education and learning.
Blog | Wicked Problem Website
Seesaw image retrieved November 13, 2017 from