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Applying Educational Technology to Practice
As an online course, I took this class with educators from around the nation which led to interesting discussions and insight regarding education. This course explored how technology can improve student understanding and foster student growth in the classroom. Discussions and research revealed how technology can transform the educational process in positive ways by taking a critical eye to common issues or problems in education. This course further demonstrated the need to implement technology based projects in the classroom to promote critical thinking problem solving strategies across all ages.This course concluded in a collaborative multimodal project examining a wicked problem in education.
Proseminar in Educational Technology
This is the final course of the Masters of Educational Technology (MAET) program. The course’s work revolved around creating a digital portfolio to showcase the work I have created during the MAET program guided by feedback primarily provided by peers. This portfolio contains reflection essays, digital resumes and transcripts, examples of teaching practices and a showcase of work created throughout courses taken during the MAET program. Not only did I receive feedback and critique from classmates, but also participated in creating detailed video critique for my peers. This website demonstrates my ability to use technology in a meaningful way to communicate with others and enhance my teaching
This course was taken online along with other educators from around the nation. This course deeply examined 21st century learning through Maker Education and the learning theory of Constructivism. We were challenged to use maker kit technology, preferably a form that was new to us, to successfully convey key concepts of our current classroom or teaching space. We learned how technology is a powerful tool and that Maker Technology offers a wide variety of ways to integrate 21st century learning into any classroom space. This course also analyzed how environments strength or weaken academic learning and creative thinking. During this course I created lessons for my classroom using Circuit Lights, expanded on my MAET graduate blog and several infographics visually demonstrating the importance of the Maker Movemet.
This course was taken as my first summer, and second to some of my peers, as an MAET hybrid student. This class focused on the varying perspective that are prevalent in schools and community and how that affects education. Through observation, reading and group discussion we explored the relationship between learning and student involvement. Taking this information, a grant proposal was created to integrate technology in the classroom. This course concluded with a conference presentation at a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) conference to educate K-12 educators on modeling techniques.
Taken simultaneously with CEP 800 and CEP 822 during the summer hybrid, this course expanded upon teaching philosophies and ideologies on technology in the classroom. We examined what it takes to integrate technology thoughtfully into curriculums that develop responsibility and relationships with students. Congruent with readings, we explored how to be inclusive with all students while including technology in the classroom. My group hosted a live webinar with experts discussing current trends in teaching robotics in the classroom including triumphs and pitfalls associated with this endeavor.
Approaches to Educational Research
This was the final course I took during my summer hybrid program. The class focused on educational research and its different forms. While examining different topics within educational research, as a class, and in groups, we began to decipher emerging patterns and missing pieces in collected data. We then discussed how to gather pertinent data for our own benefits in research and how to analyze those results. Along with group discussions on the benefits of technology in the classroom, course work included a collaborative research video on misconceptions on taste buds and where misleading facts and information originates.
Adapting Innovative Technology to Education
Learning in Schools and Other Settings
Technology and Research
[Fall Semester 2016 | Dr. Michelle Schira Hagerman]
[Spring Semester 2017 | Stacey Schuh and Melissa White]
[Summer Semester 2017 | Danah Henriksen and Josh Rosenberg]
[Summer Semester 2017 | Danah Henriksen and Josh Rosenberg]
[Summer Semester 2017 | Danah Henriksen and Josh Rosenberg]
[Fall Semester 2017 | Dr. Matthew Koehler, Brittany Dillman, Spencer Greenhalgh and Sarah Keenan-Lechel]
Reflect and Inquiry Teaching Practice 1
This course was completed during my first semester of my student teaching internship and was attended by other art education majors. In this course we explored several pedagogies of art education. From Visual Thinking Strategies to Teaching for Artistic Behavior, the pros and cons of varying pedagogy was examined and explored. Focus was placed on understanding how to establish a foundation in the classroom and through curriculum development for the creation of authentic art. Collaborative projects included developing unit plans based on relevant themes for the K-12 classroom and portfolio development.
Professional Roles and Teaching Practice 2
This course was taken during my second semester of my student teaching internship. Student success was a key focus of this course with topics covering school curriculum, student evaluations, testing, and race and culture. This course allowed me to collaborate with other education majors outside of art education to develop a broader understanding of education and school atmosphere. Group discussions raised questions of the validity of curriculum and standardize testing. Discussed theories were encouraged to be put into practice during student teaching.
Reflect and Inquiry Teaching Practice 2
This course was taken during my second semester of my student teaching internship and attended by other art education majors. In this course we examined how to create a diverse art curriculum with the inclusion of art analysis and authentic art making using inspiration from real world examples. Focus was placed on how art can be interpreted differently dependent on socio-economic status of students and school location. Unit plans and curriculum created were based on items on display at the Michigan State University Museum and connected to modern and classic art and children literature.
This course was taken online with other educators from across the nation. This course examined what learning is, how it is defined and how to adapt your classroom (and thinking) accordingly. This course introduced Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). A close examination of personal learning networks (PLN) demonstrated how and where to obtain and share new information with others inside and outside of our networks. Group readings and discussions explored the topic of thoughtfully integrating technology into the classroom environment to further understanding of topics and promote creative thinking. Through this course I created my first blog and online portfolio.
Teaching Understanding with Technology
[Fall Semester 2012 | Jill Mckillips]
[Spring Semester 2013 | Kati Macaluso]
[Spring Semester 2013 | Dr. Susannah Van Horn]
[Fall Semester 2016 | Mary Weaver and Alison Kellar]
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